Job Opportunities
The current generation of children will need to be literate in technology in order to be competitive in the future job market. Not knowing how to code will be comparable to not knowing how to speak English.
Most jobs require the knowledge of basic IT skills, while even retail and fast food jobs require the use of technology and computers. Coding specialists are well-paid and highly sought-after on the current market, and opportunities for these skilled employees will expand in the future.
Technology is moving faster, and almost everything is shifting to computers nowadays. You have to adapt and so should your kids.
Teaching them how to code is the first step in preparing them for a world that requires everyone to talk to computers in order to solve problems from things as mundane as checking the weather to flying other humans into the stars.
So start them young. Who knows, you might have just been grooming the next Bill Gates, or the new Mark Zuckerberg.